The american experience of the second world war brill. Fulfillment by amazon fba is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in amazons fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Richard polenberg is the author of hear my sad story 3. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers. Roosevelt, 19331945 a brief history with documents first edition 2000 richard d. Search the worlds most comprehensive index of fulltext books. There was a general feeling of agreement that the sacrifices were for the national good during the war.
The united states home front during world war ii supported the war effort in many ways, including a wide range of volunteer efforts and submitting to governmentmanaged rationing and price controls. Washington, 1994, 100115, cited in richard polenberg, ed. Richard polenberg situates robert oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, in a tradition of liberal thought. This is followed by over 45 topically arranged primary sources that provide students with a rich context in which to understand rossevelts multifaceted role as president, reformer, policymaker, and commander in chief. This book is a collection of nine essays examining the impact of world war ii on the american people. Covering issues of race and ethnicity, and exploring the new deals transformative agencies for economic and social ramifications as well as the constitutional revolution they triggered, the era of franklin d. In world war ii memories, terkel has found a great, untold storywith foreshadowings of vietnam and aftershocks of atomic warfare. In the first fulllength history of the home front experience, richard polenberg wrote that world war ii radically altered the character of american society and challenged its most durable values, a view confirmed the following year by geoffrey perrett, who argued that the war years provided the last great collective social experience in the. Roosevelt and the new deal was a time of depression and despair, economic. A brief history with documents the bedford series in history and culture 97803123108 by polenberg, richard d. The achievement of american liberalism columbia university. A reappraisal of how world war ii affected american society by richard polenberg a recent cartoon in the new yorker depicts a young man sitting on a barstool, looking slightly dazed, saying to the bartender, an older man, i remember the second world war.
Fba items qualify for free shipping and amazon prime. Richard polenberg reflects on his 45year cornell career in. A brief history with documents bedford cultural editions series, by richard d. Richard polenberg s introduction to this new volume provides an engaging historical and biographical overview of the period by focusing on one of its key actors. An oral history of world war two new york, 1984 geoffrey. Richard polenberg s introduction to this new volume provides an engaging historical and biographical overview of the period. World war ii and the american home front nps irma portal. The story of the abrams case and its impact on free speech is engagingly told by richard polenberg in fighting faiths. This fascinating book by one of the very best twentiethcentury american historians draws on richard polenbergs enduring and continuing interest in folk music.
Nov 11, 20 the myth of the good war the usa in world war ii. The frontier myth and the reagan presidency richard slotkin. The united states 19411945 critical periods of history by richard polenberg and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. A brief history with documents the bedford series in history and culture, and fighting faiths. Thats the one that kind of flickers on the screen, right. Explore books by richard polenberg with our selection at. The atomic bomb in the cold war, 194550, the criteria of significane and balance are very well met, making the book an excellent case study in the temper of those times. Richard fried offers a fresh look at the impact of mccarthyism. Class, race, and ethnicity in the united states since 1930 hist of the usa by polenberg, richard and a great selection of related books. A historical anthology by patrick gerster 2006, paperback, revised at the best online prices at ebay. Isbn number 0397472242 9780397472246 seller id 168388.
The united states 19411945 critical periods of history binding paperback. The abrams case, the supreme court, and free speech. Richard polenberg is professor of history at cornell university, where he has received the clark distinguished teaching award and was appointed goldwin smith professor of american history in 1986. With one hand tied behind their back and other myths of the vietnam war robert buzzanco. Richard polenbergs skillfully edited transcript proves once again that history reads better than fiction. The abrams case, the supreme court, and free speech cornell paperbacks, by richard polenberg. Posted on august 30, 2011 by office of the provost, reading project. United states home front during world war ii wikipedia. Enter your mobile number or email address below and well send you a link to download the free kindle app. Richard polenberg attempts to recapture the turbulence of an era when modern america emerged from the great depression and world war ii, and includes selected documents which offer a way to understand the changes.
History professor richard polenberg reflected on a lifetime of teaching and his encounters with scholars, students, singers and supreme court justices over the years, december 1, 2011 in his final class lecture before his retirement. He has been a fulbright visiting professor at hebrew university in jerusalem and has published widely on twentiethcentury. Era of franklin d roosevelt 1933 1945 a brief history with. The biographical introduction is followed by over 45 topically arranged primary sources that provide students with a rich context in which to understand fdrs multifaceted role as. Then you can start reading kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer no kindle device required. The two best books from the 1970s, still useful today, are richard polenberg, war and society. In the first fulllength history of the home front experience, richard polenberg wrote that world war ii radically altered the character of american society and challenged its most durable values, a view confirmed the following year by geoffrey perrett, who argued that the war years provided the last great collective social experience in the countrys history. Americas fight at home and abroad in world war 11 new york. During war world war i being no exception public officials try to suppress any criticism of their actions perhaps from a sense of insecurity in the correctness of their. Spansih and philippineamerican wars, yale university press, 1998. The free press, 1993 offers a good overview of all sides ofthe struggle. Book sales, especially paperbacks, rose sharply during the war. Richard polenbergs introduction to this new volume provides an engaging historical and biographical overview of the period b.
Sep 02, 20 andrew bacevichs latest book is breach of trust. Roosevelt and the new deal was a time of depression and despair, economic rebirth and renewal, and mobilization for a war spanning two oceans. Polenbergs good, crisp, readable prose ensures that anyone who likes folk music will enjoy this musical window onto the patterns of the past. The contributions range from macro studies the ways corporations sought to recruit women into the work force to micro studies the impact of the war on working conditions in indiana to biography the congressional career of margaret chase smith. The united states, 19411945 critical periods of history. This book offers a fresh and provocative look at the role of the usa in world war ii.
Polenberg edit data richard polenberg is professor of history at cornell university, where he has received the clark distinguished teaching award and was appointed goldwin smith professor of american history in 1986. Roosevelt and the new deal was a time of depression and despair, economic rebirth and renewal, and mobilization for a war in both the east and the west. And melvin urosfsky shows how the roosevelt court set the legal dimensions within which the debate about the meaning of liberalism would be conducted for decades. Video platform video management video solutions video player. The abrams case, the supreme court and free speech cornell paperbacks, and more on. Find one nation divisible by polenberg, richard at biblio. An oral history of world war two won the pulitzer prize for general nonfiction. A brief history with documents bedford series in history and culture by richard polenberg available in hardcover on, also read synopsis andpolenberg american history, cornell u. Will this picture help win the mythology of world war ii cbs open. So, you do not should hurriedly place the book the era of franklin d.
The notion of the good war is in many ways convincing. Richard polenbergs introduction to this new volume provides a historical and biographical overview of the period. Roosevelt, 19331945 provide you with a rich context to understand the multifaceted role fdr had as president, reformer, policymaker, and commanderinchief. Roosevelt, 19331945 provides you with a rich context to understand the multifaceted role fdr had as president, reformer, policymaker, and commanderinchief. Click and collect from your local waterstones or get free uk delivery on orders over. United states, in which four anarchists ran afoul of the world war iera sedition act. What is inescapable, though, is the recognition of war as brutal, and brutalizing.
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